Monday, October 31, 2011

Thanks Heavenly Father!

Thanks Heavenly Father for Holidays... but mostly the people we celebrate them with. Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Enough About Me!

An amazing woman who has battled against her problems and learned to look to the Lord to helo her! What a lady!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Need a pick me up?

It's been almost a month since General Conference (where the prophet and apostles speak to us!) here are some highlights to keep you going!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Hawaii or H-e-double hockey sticks?

When I was eight my family went to Hawaii. Heck yeah! It was the best vacation ever. We went to 3 different islands: Oahu, Kauai, and Hawaii. I can't explain the joy of shaved ice everyday, going kayaking in rivers through waterfalls, jumping off huge rocks (or at least at the time they seemed huge) into the water, going to the beach, seeing volcanoes, geckos everywhere, eating endless pineapple, strawberry guava juice on the airplane(I will never forget that Strawberry Guava Juice)! It couldn't have gotten any better. Seriously. In fact I went back to Hawaii my freshman year of high school and I didn't have near as much fun as when I went with my family.

Now, ask my parents about those two weeks in Hawaii and the only thing they remember: All the kids did was fight... it was miserable!

Wait a minute... I don't even remember the fighting, however, I do remember that we sent home a coconut in the mail (but that's besides the point). But just look at everything wonderful I listed... I don't see anything awful!

The truth is... we probably fought... a lot. I can totally believe that, but do I remember such occurrences... nope. Not a bit.

So what does this teach us? How often are thinking... my life sucks... nothing good is happening... how can I go on in this situation? For all you know you're in Hawaii and you don't even realize it! Next time your having a bad day... look on the bright side of things. There are always blessings around you, you just have to realize them! God loves you!

Now this is a vacation! (My sister and I in Hawaii)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Plane Crash!

So pretend your in an airplane... seriously, close your eyes and pretend! (I guess open them when you need to read... then close them) All of the sudden you get caught in a terrible storm *thunder, lightning, rain, people screaming... plus anything else that goes with being caught in a storm* suddenly... the plane crashes into the ocean! In order to survive you look around hoping to see some sign of life. Nothing. In all directions you see water. Just water. Which way do you go? If you tread water in the same place forever... you'll probably die, so you should probably pick somewhere to go...

Take a step back to the plane crash... this time you look in all directions and you see not just water but a distant island! Hallelujah! Picking where you go is really easy now, huh? Now get swimming.

Just like that island we need goals. We need something to work towards otherwise we'll be stuck... treading in the water. I don't know about you... but I don't enjoy being stuck in the middle of an ocean treading water... not fun!

One of the goals I made coming out on my mission was to simply become closer to my Heavenly Father. You can't beat being close to God... so I obviously wanted to get on his good side! Each day as I'm studying and praying to meet this goal I can feel my relationship building with my Heavenly Father and I can't help but the song: Nearer, My God, To Thee!

There's a really great version sung by Marissa Rohlfing at this link:
It should be the third one down...

So what are your goals? Think of something you can become better at and think of a reminder to go a long with it! This reminder will help you remember what you want to accomplish, just like when I think of this song!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011

There's a Man!

Are you a man? I know my father is the best example of a man I have in my life, he loves my mother and his children. He is an example of someone who follows the gospel principles. Thanks Dad!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

What are you built for?

I had a most excellent opportunity of living in Germany for a year. While I was traveling to different countries my favorite thing to do was take pictures of the areas. I'd spend hours walking little streets, communities, boulevards, and shopping areas. Each held buildings used for various purposes: industrial, office, libraries, homes, restaurants, churches, castles, studios, concert halls, businesses, etc. Some of these buildings were beautiful and charming, others were economic and practical.

No matter what the building they were never exactly the same, but each of them had a purpose and reason for being built the way they were.

We are just like these buildings, built by an architect who made us for an individual purpose, laid out a plan for our purpose and provided a way for us to reach our optimal potential. So don't be sorry if your not the castle or booming cathedral. People need a place to go grocery shopping or a place to play racquetball... plus I love racquetball and food, so I wouldn't mind being either... especially food though.

God loves us! He wants us to live up to our potential, he's our Father! What can you do so that your building isn't vacant or under construction, build up what you've been given!


Friday, October 21, 2011

Mama I Love You!

I just love this message. I'd like to tell my Mom that she is everything and more, she raised us as best she could and she was a great example of following God's commandments and always being an example to me. Thanks mama!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Fire of Conversion

Today I read from the Book of Mormon about: Abinadi.
Intense story... but SO inspiring. He preaches by the spirit to King Noah (Mosiah 11-17 in the Book of Mormon).

1.King Noah is bringing down his people spiritually and thy have lost all moral value.
2.Abinadi comes to him and says "You and your people better watch your back... or the Lord will smite you."
3.Instead of listening... he burns Abinadi to death.
4.However... one was listening... ALMA!
5.So Alma goes and preaches to the people outside the city and hundreds are baptized.

Sooooo... theres a scripture (Doctrine and Covenants 18:15) that says: And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!

In Abinadi's case he saved one person: Alma. Who in turn saved TONS of people. But we can only help people improve their lives by crying repentance... if we have saved ourselves first! So be your own Abinadi... preach to yourself and figure out what you need to do to make it right. It's that easy. 
King Noah has been eating too many cookies...
In Abinadi's case he saved one person: Alma. Who in turn saved TONS of people. But we can only help people improve their lives by crying repentance... if we have saved ourselves first! So be your own Abinadi... preach to yourself and figure out what you need to do to make it right. It's that easy. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Family... isn't it about time?

Have you ever had someone tell you there's no God? Maybe for them it makes sense but for me, I'd be lost with that point of view. In fact, my family is the biggest reason why i know there is a God. If we were to simply die today without God... it would be the end, no more family, no more laughter, no more love. What a crappy ending. So is it fair that people die everyday? With a God it is, because this isn't the end it's the beginning. I know that I can be with my family forever and that bond we've forged on earth is something we can have forever! ... that sounds pretty good to me. I love this woman's courage as she goes on after losing her son... such a brave woman, but she knows God is in this with her!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

Heaven's Eyes

You can never see through the eyes of man, you must look at your life through heaven's eyes!

The Prince of Egypt. What a great movie. I can't tell you how much I love this song... not only is it fun to dance too while your pretending your actually in Egypt... but the message is so perfect! Listen, enjoy, but mostly think about the lyrics of the song!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

A Promise is a Promise.

Click here to read the article... then come back and read my testimony.

Have you ever found out the worth of something only after you really needed it?
One time when I was younger I played the violin. The first year I played I practiced so much, I was probably the best in my 4th grade Orchestra and I loved how much I was progressing. Well... that summer my family moved, in the process of moving we had sold our house, moved out and we were just waiting to move into our new home... but we had two moths before that happened, so we were going from friends house to friends house living there for a bit while they were out of town. The thought of practicing my violin during this time didn't even cross my mind and if it did... I didn't want to do it. Finally, we moved in, and started school. I started to play the violin again, and well... it'd been a bit since I practiced and so my skill level was pretty... um... lets say... beginner. I didn't realize how great this practicing was until I was embarrassed by the fact that... I sucked at playing the violin.  So much for moving into the advanced orchestra.

Well, this same thing happened in my life when I left for my mission. I started to learn how to teach people about the Book of Mormon and I realized I hadn't been practicing as much as I should have... my knowledge of the Book of Mormon was... lets say... beginner. I realized that I was missing something that I needed and that was a better understanding of what I was suppose to teach people. So I began to read, and not just read, but to understand, and pretty soon I began to be able to use what I was reading when I needed to teach. I realized what treasure the Book of Mormon is and that the promises it holds inside are so important to me in my eternal progression.

Now I challenge you to practice. Read  the Book of Mormon. If you never have, here's the time to pick it up and start learning, realize how important it is and treasure it. Find out its importance!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Diversity is Most Excellent!

The "I'm a Mormon" campaign is to show people that we're everyday people, we aren't all the same but we have the same beliefs. Sometimes it's hard to show people this because I'm running around in a skirt all day teaching them about how the Gospel can change their life... but when I get home it's back to regular life (in jeans... thank goodness). God loves all his children, and he gave us these wonderful personalities that he wants to be apart of us. Diversity is great! So just watch this clip of Brandon Flowers, the lead singer of the Killers. It's great.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Thanks Heavenly Father!

Today I am grateful for: Sitting down when I'm tired.
There's nothing better than sitting down when I'm tired, and I'm grateful for the rest I get to have for those few milliseconds I can sit down.

I donno if you can tell... but I was sitting down.
Thanks Heavenly Father for making our bums cushy so we can sit down when we need to! Your the best!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Goldfish and Cheese

So my favorite snack in the world is: Goldfish and Cheese!

I know what your thinking... cheese and cheese?!?!?! But wait... I promise it's AMAZING! 
Here are the directions:
Step 1: Pre-heat the broiler
Step 2: Lay a flat layer of Goldfish on a pan
Step 3: Grate some cheese over the top
Step 4: Put it in the Broiler until the cheese starts to get all bubbly.
Step 5: Take it out.
Step 6: Proceed to nourish your body with the goldfish and cheese.

Sound good? What the heck it sounds perfect! ... soooo why am I bringing up this recipe? To be honest I don't know... but I can definitely relate this to teh gospel of Jesus Christ... because everything points to Christ.

The goldfish are us. Sometimes we need to go through trials (being baked in an oven with cheese covering us). These trails suck. Seriously, but we can't give up until we've made it to the end (when our cheese is bubbly). Once we've gone through these trials... we come out so much better than we did before (perfectly goldfish and cheesey), we've developed into a better person and we're ready for what may lie ahead (being eaten). 
Not gonna lie... that was pretty dang sly, am I right! We all have trials but we can make it through them, whether is be the fact that we're sitting in the oven or that we can't afford to pay our bills, the Lord is with us and all we need to do is stick with him and we'll make it out even better than before!

I also really like Grilled Cheese Sandwiches... just for future reference.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How to Raise a Teenage Girl.

I know exactly how to raise a teenage girl. I know what your thinking... I haven't been a mom... but I have been a teenager who was raised this way, by my amazing mother (shout out to my mama Julene!!!).
 It's hard for a lot of people to see how religion is important... they find it hard work or a waste of time... but looking at these young women show how moral values and a belief in our Savior Jesus Christ can only be positive.
They have built up personalties and strength that far out weigh that of other girls their own age. They are knowledgeable of God's plan for us and know how they can work towards becoming the best daughters, friends, sisters, members of society and mothers they can be! Freak! I wish I could say the same about most of the girls at my high school!
Why isn't religion regarded as a better way? Even though society may not think so... I know so!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Love Oh Love!

My companion is SUPER dramatic. The other day... she was so worried because she didn't know what cake filling she was going to have at her wedding and she was so DISTRAUGHT! Her life of organization was coming to pieces. How do I love a person who knows the name of her 7 future children and I don't even remember the name of my sister's fiance! (its Dallin... don't worry Jennifer, I'm not that bad... sometimes.) The truth is Sister Trujillio isn't THAT dramatic but she can be VERY dramatic, and I'm a bit more... chill about most things. However, I've learned to love her dramaticness... it makes for fun times and good laughs. So who do you know that bugs you? Who has that one trait that's just opposite of you? I challenge you to turn that trait into a positive or (if thats impossible) think of all the other great traits they have and forget about the ones that annoy you. After all. What Would Jesus Do? Sometimes when someone is annoying me I think... well they have a Heavenly Father, Christ, and a mother who loves them. There has to be something good in there somewhere.

That's the two of us in the corner... the only picture on hand of us.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Enough about me!

What a gift to have diversity! I hope to have a family that brings together languages and cultures someday... but now I'm talking about myself again... so here's Samuel and his wife, a trilingual family! What an adventure!

Today: Thanks Heavenly Father.

Thanks Heavenly Father... for helping someone invent tights... because it's getting cold here and I have to wear a skirt everyday. I knew you had my back!

What are you thankful for today? Don't forget to thank who really gave that to you!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Silly Putty Sins

So one time when i was little I was wearing my favorite blue Aladdin swimsuit. I wasn't going swimming I was just wearing it... allllllllll day long. My mom asked me time and time again to change out of it... but of course, I didn't. While wearing said swimsuit I stole my brothers purple silly putty. It was not only my favorite thing but his favorite thing... that's why I wasn't allowed to play with it. Ha! I knew I could play with it if he didn't catch me, so i went into my room, hid under my covers and played with the silly putty. Lo and behold I fell asleep. Probably a half an hour to an hour later i woke up, hopped out of bed, and looked down... oops. My blue Aladdin swimsuit was now a purple silly putty mess. Needless to say, no more swimsuit, no more silly putty.
Sometimes... Heavenly Father gives us commandments. (like not stealing silly putty). It seems like it wont hurt to go against what we know to be right. We may even have fun at the beginning... but in the end is it worth it to lose our favorite blue Aladdin swimsuit? I can't explain how much God's commandments have helped me in my own life... whether its simply to read the scriptures or to pay tithing... I know that I'll benefit from following them. When I choose to make my own rules or go against what I know to be right it never works out! (Trust me). So thank goodness for commandments... they may seem like they're in the way or over bearing but there's a reason why we have them... and we don't need to suffer the consequences of not following them if we don't have to!
If I had time... I'd put purple all over this picture.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Who's your Daddy?

How great is it to know that life can only get better? Or that God knows us personally and perfectly? President Uchtdorf has the most excellent words to keep us truckin along.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Cheese in the World

I love cheese so much. If I could eat any food forever... it would probably be cheese. It's just my favorite. One time when i was in Switzerland... I went to a cheese factory. It was a little weird at first because we had these head phones that narrated what was going on... but it was a cow named Rose who was narrating... anyway... so they showed us the process of making cheese.

To be honest I don't remember everything that happened... but I do remember one thing. They had to put these cheeses into a machine that pressed out all of the juicyness. Excuse my non-technical terms... but they would basically just take the cheese curds (i think they were curds), put them in a machine, and press the cheese into a wheel shape while trying to get rid of any excess liquid.

Once the cheese was in the mold it stayed there for a while... not just a few hours but a while... until... it was finished and ready to go into a refrigerator where it would be aged for a few more months.

 How can we be that cheese? Its sounds pretty good to me to be a giant cheese... but as people on this earth, how can we squeeze out the world until we're completely dry? Sometimes it's hard to not soak in everything around you... but the best part about having a Savior is that we don't have to be soggy cheese. We can be in the world but not of the world. Each day ridding ourselves of that excess liquid... it takes time, and we can't do it without the help of Jesus Christ but in the end... we'll be able to be dry and we can still be in the world but not full of the soggyness of the world. That's the power of Repentance.
I know that my Redeemer lives!

I hope that made sense.