Sunday, November 27, 2011

Where's the Respect?

So a young woman wrote a poem about the significance of the Daughters of God. It's really amazing to see such young women express their Love for their Heavenly Father but also the respect that they have for themselves. I didn't grow up around  a lot of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon) youth. So many of the girls around me had low self-esteem and didn't find worth in themselves. They had little knowledge of how much God loves them and how much he desires them to stay clean and respectable. I wish every girl could have this outlook on herself:

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Terror or Comfort... Which do you feel?

As a missionary I've taught people who have been searching for comfort and truth. Most of them already have a religion and know about God and our Savior Jesus Christ, but they lack that total confidence that they know what they need to do on this life. Elder Nelson of the Quorum of the twelve Apostles shares a story of how he found comfort in a scary moment and that it was the Gospel of Jesus Christ that brought that to him.

Look to Christ's Gospel for reassurance and comfort. Deep down inside we're all searching for truth. We have that message you're searching for!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Christmas is Coming... but why?

It's almost Christmas!!!!!!!!!! Now I'm SURE you've heard this before... don't forget the true meaning of Christmas! Well... I'm here to say it again, Don't forget the true meaning of Christmas! Sometimes I wonder if many people know what the true meaning of Christmas is. It's not that Christ was born but it is a rememberance of our Savior. Of course his birth was important, but what is more important is what he did on the earth. President Uchtdorf gives us his "Special Witness" of teh Savior. Listen and think of how you can come closer to Christ our Savior!

One month the Christmas!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

It's Thanksgiving Again!

I LOVE THIS VIDEO! What are you thankful for? Watch and feel the spirit of Thanksgiving and the spirit of the Lord. God gave us everything, don't forget to Thank HIM!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Organization of a Nation

I remember when I decided to go to London, I planned to meet up with a friend I hadn't seen in a while who was from Wales and that I would finally be able to make it to England! Well a few days before I left my friend's Grandma went into the hospital and she was helping take care of her family. It just turned out to not be the best time meet up with her. I already had a flight and I could cancel or I could book a hostel and plan on going by myself. At this point I hadn't traveled by myself yet, I was kind of sad I wouldn't be seeing my friend, and I wasn't sure I wanted to spend the extra money to go. Well, last minute I decided I'd just go and enjoy London by myself.
The first night I was there I had accomplished all that i wanted that night and I decided that I had time to go and find the church building where I would be going to church that weekend. Well, I looked and looked and LOOKED, finally I figured out where it was. On the outside of the building there was a glass encased bulletin board with times of all the meetings. One read: Thursday Night Institute 7:30. I looked down at my watch... it was 7:40, I was just a bit late. When I walked in the building I met a fellow American who helped me find a class to join. At the end of the lesson a different girl was sitting next to me and asked if I wanted to stay for the activity. I had nothing planned so I decided I'd stay and get to know a few people. By the end of the night I had met several people and on the Underground ride home I made arrangements to meet up with a girl the next day. For the rest of the weekend she took me around London, she was there from Bulgaria as a Nanny and I was so thankful for the fun time we were able to have together!
A little harry potter in there...
The organization of the church is something that has helped me to gain a personal testimony of it being Christ's Church. It is so comforting to know that half way around the world there are members of the church waiting to welcome you no matter if your a member, a stranger, or just having a look. The Lord wants to take care of us, so he gave us a worldwide family who are there to share their time and love with us. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the true church. Our Heavenly Father has blessed us with the opportunity to be apart of it.