Thursday, October 13, 2011

Goldfish and Cheese

So my favorite snack in the world is: Goldfish and Cheese!

I know what your thinking... cheese and cheese?!?!?! But wait... I promise it's AMAZING! 
Here are the directions:
Step 1: Pre-heat the broiler
Step 2: Lay a flat layer of Goldfish on a pan
Step 3: Grate some cheese over the top
Step 4: Put it in the Broiler until the cheese starts to get all bubbly.
Step 5: Take it out.
Step 6: Proceed to nourish your body with the goldfish and cheese.

Sound good? What the heck it sounds perfect! ... soooo why am I bringing up this recipe? To be honest I don't know... but I can definitely relate this to teh gospel of Jesus Christ... because everything points to Christ.

The goldfish are us. Sometimes we need to go through trials (being baked in an oven with cheese covering us). These trails suck. Seriously, but we can't give up until we've made it to the end (when our cheese is bubbly). Once we've gone through these trials... we come out so much better than we did before (perfectly goldfish and cheesey), we've developed into a better person and we're ready for what may lie ahead (being eaten). 
Not gonna lie... that was pretty dang sly, am I right! We all have trials but we can make it through them, whether is be the fact that we're sitting in the oven or that we can't afford to pay our bills, the Lord is with us and all we need to do is stick with him and we'll make it out even better than before!

I also really like Grilled Cheese Sandwiches... just for future reference.

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