Saturday, February 11, 2012

Bible Videos!

During Christmas the First Presidency announced a series of Bible Videos that would depict the life of the Savior through video using only Bible Scripture. As you watch these videos listen to the words, feel the Spirit during the quiet parts, and remember the Life of our Savior.

I am grateful for my Savior and the perfect man he was.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Ask and Seek

I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is Christ's Church that has been restored by a prophet.
This last week another missionary mentioned that each week he asked God if the Church is true. I decided that this was a great idea and that I should implement this each week. I already have a strong testimony of the gospel but I knew that the best way to excercise my faith would be to ask again if I could come to know it was true.
The last few days I have asked each night if the church was true, I felt that it was but I still felt like my answer still had not come and that I needed to continue to ask until I felt I had really gained that answer.
I've been sick the last few days and I decided that I shouldn't go volunteer at the nursing home today like I usually do because I didn't want to infect anyone. So for the first time in a few weeks I decided it was time to blog and I got on and watched some videos that were new and I had not seen. The first few were great as usual and I started a blog on a video about recieveing revelation from the spirit. Of course halfway through the first sentence my mind went blank and I decided to go back and see if there were any new videos, I clicked on this one:

As I watched this video I felt the spirit of the Atonement, the spirit of what I teach each day as a missionary and I knew that as we come to know our Savior we come to know that this is His church. The testimony of him throughout the Bible and the Book of Mormon are pure and simple. He is the center of the gospel and by no other means can we be saved.
Whether you're on the beginning of the path to know the church is true for the first time or you've been a member your whole life, ask Heavenly Father if this is Christ's Church and then study about the Savior. As a representative of Jesus Christ I know you will recieve an answer.