Thursday, December 15, 2011

There is a Reward

When I was younger my favorite thing to do was play "Adventure"... the only thing comparable to the excitement of trying to survive being stranded on a boat or living in box was being a secret agent or a ninja. So sometimes I was a stranded secret agent ninja. I remember making up stories about how I would be thrust into the unfortunate events and have to wade through them in order to survive and make it to the end of my journey. Most of the time the end ended up being the kitchen where I was rewarded with a grilled cheese sandwich! To me there was no greater reward than a most excellent adventure, ending with grilled cheese. I like to look at our life here on earth as the same thing. We can either be thrust into not so desirable situations and drag our feet or we can have fun and turn it into something that builds us instead of breaks us. In the end when we have made our way home and we're rewarded with Eternal Life (and maybe a hot Grilled Cheese Sandwich) it will all be worth it.
I can't describe how important our life on Earth is. I've often heard people explain it as "Hell" and that anything after this life will be Heaven. It's sad to see that we view our experiences in such dark light. We have been given the gift of life in order to build ourselves as Sons and Daughters of God. Yes, we will have trials, and hardships, and pain... but these things shape us as the children of the most Supreme Creator.
So next time you're going through a trial or hardship think of one of my favorite scriptures~ John 16:33: These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have apeace. In the bworld ye shall have ctribulation: but be of good dcheer; I have eovercome the world.
Joy comes through our hearkening to the Savior's teachings and commandments... God sent Him so that we could the Ultimate example, we should take advantage of that!

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