Friday, December 9, 2011

Coats, Goldfish... You Name It!

Got a coat? The truth is you don't need to have a coat to give to someone... you can give anything: your talents, skills, love, etc. I remember one time I was driving home from work and I saw the same man waiting before the freeway on ramp. He held a sign always expressing that he was hungry and looking for work. I happened to have a bag of goldfish in the car (something common for me to have... they're my favorite!) I was hungry like I always am but I knew that I could wait out the hunger pains for 20 minutes. So I rolled down the window and offered them to him. At first he hesitated and then he took them graciously. With a "God Bless You" I drove away. Now to be honest this wasn't really a big sacrifice at all, but it was a simple opportunity to be charitable. So as we're going about our day don't let a moment to serve pass us by. After all those we serve benefit from it, we benefit from it, and the Lord feels of the Love we have for him. What better could we do?

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