Saturday, October 22, 2011

What are you built for?

I had a most excellent opportunity of living in Germany for a year. While I was traveling to different countries my favorite thing to do was take pictures of the areas. I'd spend hours walking little streets, communities, boulevards, and shopping areas. Each held buildings used for various purposes: industrial, office, libraries, homes, restaurants, churches, castles, studios, concert halls, businesses, etc. Some of these buildings were beautiful and charming, others were economic and practical.

No matter what the building they were never exactly the same, but each of them had a purpose and reason for being built the way they were.

We are just like these buildings, built by an architect who made us for an individual purpose, laid out a plan for our purpose and provided a way for us to reach our optimal potential. So don't be sorry if your not the castle or booming cathedral. People need a place to go grocery shopping or a place to play racquetball... plus I love racquetball and food, so I wouldn't mind being either... especially food though.

God loves us! He wants us to live up to our potential, he's our Father! What can you do so that your building isn't vacant or under construction, build up what you've been given!


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