Friday, October 7, 2011

Cheese in the World

I love cheese so much. If I could eat any food forever... it would probably be cheese. It's just my favorite. One time when i was in Switzerland... I went to a cheese factory. It was a little weird at first because we had these head phones that narrated what was going on... but it was a cow named Rose who was narrating... anyway... so they showed us the process of making cheese.

To be honest I don't remember everything that happened... but I do remember one thing. They had to put these cheeses into a machine that pressed out all of the juicyness. Excuse my non-technical terms... but they would basically just take the cheese curds (i think they were curds), put them in a machine, and press the cheese into a wheel shape while trying to get rid of any excess liquid.

Once the cheese was in the mold it stayed there for a while... not just a few hours but a while... until... it was finished and ready to go into a refrigerator where it would be aged for a few more months.

 How can we be that cheese? Its sounds pretty good to me to be a giant cheese... but as people on this earth, how can we squeeze out the world until we're completely dry? Sometimes it's hard to not soak in everything around you... but the best part about having a Savior is that we don't have to be soggy cheese. We can be in the world but not of the world. Each day ridding ourselves of that excess liquid... it takes time, and we can't do it without the help of Jesus Christ but in the end... we'll be able to be dry and we can still be in the world but not full of the soggyness of the world. That's the power of Repentance.
I know that my Redeemer lives!

I hope that made sense.

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